Monday, February 9, 2009

My first blah-blah-blahg!

Coolio! My blog! It's SOO PRETTY!! I'm so excited!! YAY!

Okay, so, a bit about me. I'm 16 1/2 years old (17 this April). I'm home schooled, and have been my entire life (Except for a very bad two weeks in the summer between 7th and 8th grade), I'm a Unitarian Universalist with a pagan up-bringing, and I'm the youth group leader at that church. I have an older sister, a dad, and a baba. I have a few friends. I think they're pretty cool.

You're probably wondering what this blog is going to be about. Honestly, I don't know. I think I'll be talking about things that confuse me, things that I think I've gained some sort of insight on, or things I want people to know about, on the off-chance that I'll get some readers!

I know some of you are probably put off by the fact that I'm a teenager. We've all seen the whiny teen blogs that talk about "OMFG!!!!!! i so hd a crush on tyler but he asked out my my bff and not me!!! i h8 her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muuuch!!!" I can promise that I'll never sound like that. I'll try to keep teenaged angst to a minimum, but I can't promise that it won't occur from time to time, what with being a teenager and all. (Most of my angst will be about drama that I'm dragged into, rather that stuff that I create).

I guess one of my major goals with this blog is to show that teens CAN BE rational, observant human beings that think about things, while still being teenagers. I know some off us are pretty crazy, maybe even the majority of us, but I believe that we can be something better than what is expected of us. Everybody was a teenager once, and I think some people have lost touch with that.

I'll also talk about some views that I have about current politics, religion, school system, and other things that need to be fixed. I can't wait! It's gonna be such an adventure!

Talk at you later!


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